Time Famine

Photo courtesy of DreamHunter.

We are officially in a period of time famine.  I read it in Newsweek.  Or The Economist.  Or somewhere I’m sure.  I don’t remember, and I don’t have time to look it up right now.  And I don’t even have time to write this blog post for that matter.

OK, maybe I’ll borrow some time via the Olympics simply by refusing to go anywhere albeit my kitchen, so that should save me several lifetimes by avoiding commuting all together.  And I will refuse to watch the closing ceremonies but rely on a recap from BBC Sport or on the words of a trusted friend.  Wait a second, I don’t have any friends I trust – I’ll just rely on The Sun.

And yes, that should give me  plenty of time to write breeze… Back to our hunger for some time.  While many are now fasting for Ramadan, us other less fortunate creatures, continue to suffer a serious affliction: deficiency in time.  Not a spare moment to loiter with friends or family.  No time to connect with estranged acquaintances on Facebook.  No time for the park, or movies, or napping.  What ever happened to napping?  Or travelling for that matter? Who’s got time to travel now that they got rid of that Concord – I mean really? And yes, what about that activity called eating?  Walk into any M&S and witness the disproportionate amount of ready made meals glaring at you. It reminds me of the day I walked into HMV and to my dismay, finding all the music replaced by rows and rows of DVDs. I mean seriously do people still even go into HMV? – are they still around? (*Since writing this I think this has been answered*)

I must admit that lemon encrusted chicken breast with sweet potato and caramelised onions is different than a special limited edition blue-ray re-release of Usual Suspects – but still it baffles me how our ancestors had time not just to eat food, but to actually hunt, kill, prepare, and cook it!

That reminds me – my Pizza delivery is here.  And truth be told the Mens 100 is on, and I really do have to go…