2 – 0 – 1 – 3 . What? yes not long to go now and we are officially inside the future. I don’t know what that really means, but imminently folks will be vacating their desks and minds, and walking into an awkward family dinner.
Another saga of a world on the brink of ..here are 3 random predictions for 2013, in absolutely no particular order:
1. Sock Buddies. RFID tagged socks that find their missing partner for you.
2. Smart Bathrooms. Increased bathroom sanitation including hygiene friendly ergonomics, ubiquitous self-cleansing, and sensor enabled doors so you don’t ever have to touch an infested handle again. Ok maybe this is just a little pipe dream.
3. Acid Jazz. Making a big comeback (at least on my stereo) only this time surely it will be called something else. Afternoon Yacht-funk? Downtown-Drill Delight? I’m not really bothered about labels, as long as I start hearing K&D on commercial radio.