6 Tips To Help You Hit Publish

A new year means a new beginning.

You’re going to be more productive and less busy. You’re going to spend more time with friends and family. You’re going to exercise harder. Travel further. Volunteer.

Heck, while you’re at it you’re going to write each and everyday.

Whether you are an invested specialist or a modern day misfit, it’s likely you create content.  It may be as fleeting as a tweet or as meaty as a book – either way it’s your business (okay maybe someone else’s business at your business) to publish timely and relevant content.

If your plan, like mine, is to stick to some schedule (ideally of quality and frequency) then there is tonnes of help out there for the easily distracted:


1. Everybody Writes
Admittedly, I’m only halfway through this (would you believe I’ve been too busy writing?), and already it demonstrates easy to grasp tips and tricks to help craft engaging content.  Chief among them is an excerpt on creating great content from Aaron Orendorff where he emphasises Showing, not telling:

“..Think about it as salvation, not sales. Theology, not transactions.  Ask yourself  ‘What hell does my product save people from?  And what heaven does it deliver them unto?'”



2. Headspace
I never thought I’d use an App to help me meditate, but life is full of surprises.  After a trip to Asia with countless visits to Temples, maybe I was subconsciously craving an easy form of guided mindfulness.  I’d compare Headspace to the sticky-ness of the first few episodes of Narcos: it takes a few to get going, but soon enough you’re hooked.  Oh ya, and this can also help with your writing if you let it.


3. Running Mix
If you like running or any high-energy activity for that matter, you likely do so accompanied by a beat. Here’s a soundtrack that pumps things up to help foster more eureka moments – crystallising that next writing idea.


4. OmmWriter
I’ve just started using this desktop App which is certainly the most effective way I’ve learned (thanks to Lucas Seidenfaden) to block out distractions.  Immerse yourself in your writing, with elegant functionality of background and music selections. Instagram-esque simplicity for writers.


5. Momentum
Victoria based, distraction-free personalised dashboard (ya that’s a mouthful) is almost par for the course for any Chrome-ite. If you haven’t tried it, stop reading now and go download it here.


6. Hemingway
A proof-reading tool on steroids.  Where the hell was this when I was in College?

Some of these antidotes or their counterparts are likely already working for you.  Now all you need to do is sit back, take a moment and picture this time next year.  Are you swinging in a hammock basking in the sun (Pina Colada in hand of course), reflecting on your writing accomplishments? I hope I am. Until then, let’s keep those fingers moving and continue to hit publish.