Startup In Business Pt1

Here is a very short recap of our 1st session

      • Take design out of the vacuum and inject it into the creation of your business
      • Ensure that you have CRISP leadership qualities, if you don’t, surround yourself with those who possess what you lack
      • Frame and articulate your business concept in a simplistic way that is easy to share with others
      • Research and draw up personas that touch on who your customers are, their needs, and how they might behave
      • Shape your concept further by defining the people, partners, process, and planning you will put in place (Yes lots of P’s!)
      • Draw up scenarios that demonstrate who and what makes your business tick

The slide deck is viewable here

Over the weekend and into the next session you should be thinking about

      • Opportunities and Challenges
      • Getting a rough prototype together and testing it with friends, family, & strangers
      • Contextualising your business

And here are some links that could prove useful


Business Model Canvas
Value Proposition Canvas
5 Key Questions for a Business Strategy
Lean Startup Methodology

Building a Site / App



The Design of Business
Change by Design
The Age of Unreason
Making it Happen
To Sell is Human