Entertain + Educate + Engage

The personality of business is changing..


The personality of business is changing as transparency becomes increasingly the norm.  Business blogs, open networks, and creative mornings all rival the Wall Street closed-door-syndrome championed by the 1980s.

Adding value to the customer experience and Entertaining (or allowing your customers to entertain themselves) has never been more popular, and more necessary.

Educating clients, stakeholders, “Big Society”, or whomever you are trying to reach, whether it be via conferences (unconferences), networking events, speaking functions, social web or social parties, personal blogs, websites, or playing water polo at the local centre (get the picture?) – all amass to benefit business, and simply “doing business” in the long run.  This of course is assuming that:

1) You have something useful to say and;

2) You don’t offend a disproportionate segment of your audience.

Finally, Engaging – a long abused buzz term (simply insert the descriptive word of choice [customer, audience, community, et al] in front of “Engagement” is absolutely essential.  And if you are still reading this, we are doing a pretty good job to this end (OK, we were until now when you just clicked away to watch GoogleBox).

Photo courtesy of Creative Mornings